it's blank!
ok my computer is running as fast as lightning.. mainly because it's pretty empty at the moment. i just switched to my new 500gb HD, completely ceasing the use of my old one (by disconnecting the data cable) .
SO TROUBLESOME CAN. i have to now download just about everything. not just programmes, but little things that i didnt know i had, like codecs for my media player to play video files, etc.
and have to install warcraft again, have to install directx all that dunno what nonsense!
ok la, just hope my com is lightning fast all the time with its imba specs. dont fail me computer!!
anyway THANKS TIMO!!! he came down to my house to help me switch over to my new hard disk. involves playign around with the hardware which looks really scary. ha i'm sucha computer noob.
this week in camp was kinda fun, with Close Combat Training all the way. we learnt break falls, several locks and release from holds. quite fun , some quite useless, but fun nonetheless.
grading is this tues/wed! hope i pass.
yes i know this is an extremely pathetic post but. oh well. argh im picking up weiqin's self-critical-ness. noooo.